Texas born. Space bound.


We make people who make rockets. TREL (Texas Rocket Engineering Lab) is an interdisciplinary research lab building the next generation of rocket engineers at the University of Texas at Austin. Through long-term rocket projects, we demystify applied rocket science in an environment focused on kindness, access, knowledge-sharing, and community engagement to teach the interdisciplinary collaboration required by aerospace organizations.


Texas Rocket Engineering Lab’s premier launch vehicle, a liquid bi-propellant rocket.

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Texas Rocket Engineering Lab’s next project: Neptune3. Previously known as Halcyon MK-2

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TREL’s R&D program that works to upgrade future versions of the Halcyon Rocket.

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Operations focuses on the business aspect of Texas Rocket Engineering Lab.

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Meet Our Program Director

Professor Jamie Huffman

Before taking on the role of TREL Program Director, Professor Huffman spent the last 12.5 years at SpaceX. Throughout her time at SpaceX, she was a responsible engineer for Falcon Stage 2 and numerous components. She later was a director for Software Engineering, as well as, a director for Stage Propulsion Systems. She participated in numerous monumental launches including the first mission to the ISS, first landing (land and sea), first fairing catch, first heavy mission, first time flying humans, and most recently soft landing Starship Booster and Ship. Huffman has extensive fluid system design expertise, on-console experience, and a deep understanding of software development. 

We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the support of our wonderful sponsors.


Our lab thrives on the collective passion and expertise of students from a wide variety of disciplines. If you’re a UT student passionate about aerospace, we’d love to have you!

Executive Leadership

Left to right: Halcyon CE (Buckner Newberry), Program Director (Jamie Huffman), Chief of Staff (Emma Cionca), Skunkworks CE (Zachary Muckler)




Thank you to our sponsors!